No PC is perfectly clean after even minimal use, but I do use a thorough and regular maintenance regime. What kinds of problems (if any) would Corel’s WinZip System Utilities and some other tune-up suites report on a machine I knew was already well-maintained? Creating a known-good starting point To find out what free scanners would tell me about my PC, I ran my personal, daily-use system through a series of informal test drives. I don’t blame Norman - I’d want more information, too. “I am hesitant to pay to activate the software to ‘fix’ the reported problems without additional information.

“‘2,447 privacy traces detected, 529 registry issues found, 32 junk items detected, 6 outdated drivers found, and Registry Optimization recommended.’

I uninstalled immediately and 'cleaned' my system. This is a deception and I would not trust any (particularly software) company that employs such tactics. Only after downloading and installation do they allow it to be known that it is in fact a 21 day trial for which you will have to purchase a license. On the Winzip website, they claim to offer a free version. It is not unresonable to accept that free cut down versions are offered when so many software providers offer basic versions of their software for home use, with full blown versions available to purchase. Winzip use deception tactics when offering a seemingly free version of winzip.