Once in the table, you can export data by clicking "Options" then "Export all to CSV".You can also view the data in a table by clicking on the small black section near the centre of the bottom border.Select what you would like to view from the options available and switch the filter button to green to turn the filter on. You can apply a variety of filters to the data.Click pins on the map to find out about a particular sighting.

Click the Legend button to view an explanation of the symbols used.Sign up to receive notifications of sightings in your Local Government Area. If you have submitted a crocodile sighting, it will not appear until it has undergone an assessment by a departmental officer. It is important to note that a number of sightings may have been submitted for the same crocodile, and that the number of sightings does not necessarily represent the number of crocodiles in a given area. offers the ability to filter the information displayed or downloaded by selecting Local Government Area (LGA), status or date.displays information about problem crocodiles, crocodile sightings and actions taken by the department that have occurred in the last 30 days.Visit the Crocwise page for information on reducing your risk of crocodile attack.

No waterway in croc country (crocodile habitat areas) can ever be considered free of crocodiles. It should not be used as an indication that an area is safe.

The interactive dashboard below has been designed for anyone to easily find information about recent crocodile sightings. Your reports help in determining crocodile presence and movement in the area.Īlways remember that no natural waterway in crocodile country is ever 100% risk -free, and the public should remain Crocwise at all times when in and around crocodile habitat. The department records and investigates all crocodile reports made by the public and will take appropriate action in accordance with the Queensland Crocodile Management Plan. If you see a crocodile in Queensland report it to the Department of Environment and Science by using the QWildlife app for iOS and Android, accessing the sighting report online or calling 1300 130 372 (Option 1).