We also suggest calling ahead to speak with someone about your particular needs. Please click on Find a Dealer to find one near you.

Q – Where can I buy parts not listed on the Brunswick website?Ī – Current billiard parts not listed on our website will have to be purchased from your local billiard store.We suggest searching the internet for classic billiard products. Q – Do you carry parts for antique tables?Ī – Unfortunately we do not stock any parts for antique tables.We recommend searching the internet for billiard appraisers or billiard restoration. Q – Can you tell me what my table is worth?Ī – We apologize but we do not appraise billiards tables, nor can we give you the current value of your table.Q – What can you tell me based on my table’s serial number?Ī – Unfortunately, the serial number will not assist us with determining the history of your table.Q – What can you tell me about my antique table?Ī – If you’re interested in learning more about your antique table, go back to home page, click on History Tells Our Story, click on Brunswick Library, click on Keyword Search, and enter "catalogs", or the name of the table.